It's always luxurious to save the planet. So here are some Organic products that
preserve our
environment and they smell and feel great.
Lush products are used by
celebrities everywhere. And I mean everywhere, they have over 300 stores around the world.They are famous for all
their products being hand made and using all of the freshest ingredients. Just the name makes me want to smear it all over me.
The Body Shop is also world wide with over 1,
ooo stores. They are very well know and easily found in your local mall. They offer several products containing organic ingredients.
Most of these products are similar in price. But if you can afford the shipping Lush is great. They have tons of great products with unique names. So be Lush if you must or just hit The Body Shop for instant gratification.

Honey Shampoo 13.50 Honey Conditioner 13.50

Satsuma Body Lotion 13 Aloe Shower Cream 12